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​Smarter Recruiting Strategies

There are so many competing factors in any recruitment effort — work piling up, time pressure, and financial realities. Yet the cost to an organization of a bad hiring choice can be dramatic. It goes far beyond the money and time wasted in making a mistake. The negative impact on the entire organization can be long lasting. In “Five Tips for Recruiting Best-In-Class Talent,” MJS Executive Search CEO Matthew Schwartz offers some important guidance on making these important decisions. His key recommendations include:
  • Look within for hiring possibilities, but also use personal contacts for external recommendations.
  • Look for pioneers in other industries who might be able to transfer their valuable skills to a new field.
  • Don’t settle! “Available” shouldn’t be the most important hiring requirement.
  • Chemistry is key. How will this candidate fit with the team? Is there a personality and style match?
  • Remember that the candidate is also interviewing your organization. Put your best foot forward.
For more of Schwartz’s recruitment recommendations, visit “Five Tips for Recruiting Best-In-Class Talent.”

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