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Education: Higher Education

President and CEO

Pacifica Graduate Institute
Santa Barbara, California

Pacifica Graduate Institute fosters creative learning and research in the fields of psychology and mythological studies, framed in the traditions of depth psychology. This innovative, employee-owned graduate school is committed to the purpose expressed in its motto: animae mundi colendae gratia (for the sake of tending soul in and of the world). By creating an educational environment with a spirit of free and open inquiry, consistent with the recognized values of academic freedom, Pacifica is dedicated to cultivating and harvesting the gifts of the human imagination. These insights influence the personal, cultural, and planetary concerns of this era.

The Opportunity

Upon the announcement of the retirement of current President and CEO Dr. Joseph Cambray, Pacifica Graduate Institute is seeking its next President and CEO to build upon his outstanding work and legacy and lead the Institute to greater and more innovative heights. The President and CEO will have experience in psychology, preferably depth or Jungian psychology, with strong business acumen and mindset. The successful candidate will be collaborative, globally minded, and an excellent listener; exude open communication and transparency; have a strong commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; possess excellent communications skills; be a visionary; and have great management and interpersonal skills.

The President and CEO will have demonstrated success in and a commitment to creating and promoting a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace environment, while being a person of integrity, character, and sound judgment, and, above all, dedicated to the mission and values of Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Still Looking

Be considered for future opportunities.

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