Founded in 1749, Washington and Lee University (W&L) is one of the oldest and most distinguished liberal arts institutions in the country. In today’s world of science and technology, globalization and new economic, political and cultural realities, the solutions to problems require moral insight as well as analytical and technical skills. Washington and Lee prepares its students to meet this daunting set of challenges through programs that educate and nurture strong leaders, visionary thinkers, compassionate citizens and ethical decision makers.
Offering a remarkable variety of majors and minors, courses, and in-depth study opportunities—a spectrum of options usually found only at large universities – W&L prides itself on the depth and breadth of its curriculum. What distinguishes the University from other top liberal arts colleges is the virtue of having an accredited undergraduate school of commerce and a venerable law school. Each of the three academic units is strengthened by its meaningful collaborations with the others, all in the service of the joint university mission.
The University’s approach is backed by its timeless values of civility and integrity and enhanced by a commitment to honor the quintessential Washington and Lee tradition: preparing students for lives of consequence and a desire to serve others.