The National Comedy Center is the United States’ congressionally designated cultural institution dedicated to presenting and presenting the story of comedy and preserving its heritage for future generations. Based on comedy legend Lucille Ball’s vision for her hometown to become a destination for the celebration of comedy, the Center’s exclusive collections, world-class exhibits, and cutting-edge technology educate, inspire, and entertain visitors across more than 37,000-square-feet of exhibit space, offering an interactive journey through comedy history, from early vaudeville to the latest viral memes.
As a non-profit cultural institution, the National Comedy Center celebrates comedy’s great minds and unique voices in ways that educate, inspire, and entertain, while providing an examination of the time-honed creative processes that have elevated comedy to an art. USA Today named the National Comedy Center the “Best New Museum in the Country,” Time magazine designated the Center one of the “World’s Greatest Places,” and People magazine named it one of “100 Reasons to Love America.”