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The State of AI in Advancement

The 2020 AAAC State of AI in Advancement report specifically examines industry shifts and finds that 82 percent of advancement professionals believe AI is a part of the long-term solution.

Over the past year, the landscape of advancement has changed dramatically. From staff and budget cuts to developing a new understanding of donor relations in a purely digital format, to reimagining how to significantly grow new pipeline opportunities in order to offset revenue disruption — in many ways advancement professionals are increasingly being pushed to transform how fundraising operates. 2020 made leaders rethink so much, and this AI in Advancement Advisory Council (AAAC) report reveals some major changes and trends on the horizon. Tackling workforce efficiency, building future giving pipelines, the emergence of “digital” gift officers, and a continued focus on ethics, the report is a must-read for anyone in the industry.

Read the full report, by clicking here: The State of AI in Advancement 2020.

Lindauer CEO Deb Taft serves as a member of the AAAC, AI in Advancement Advisory Council, which is committed to shaping AI’s role in the industry.

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