Nestled in the picturesque Southern California hillside community of Calabasas, Viewpoint School is an independent coeducational institution spanning from transitional kindergarten through 12th grade. With a history spanning 61 years, Viewpoint is dedicated to developing world-ready students equipped with both courageous mindsets and critical skill sets. The School places an emphasis on the quality of the student experience within the context of academic achievement, fostering a unified community with shared values of learning, purpose, caring, and challenge. Teachers at Viewpoint are encouraged to create relational classroom climates conducive to collaboration and creativity, and the School prioritizes balancing academic achievement with student wellness.
The Opportunity
Viewpoint is seeking a dynamic individual to join the School as Director of Special Events, a strategic position within the Office of External Affairs that will be integral to building on a recent year of philanthropic success.
With a focus on creativity, collaboration, and engagement, the Director will conceptualize and execute events that not only raise funds but also strengthen the sense of community within Viewpoint School. Reporting to the Assistant Head of School for External Affairs, the Director will work closely with a dedicated team to plan and implement a comprehensive special events fundraising strategy. This includes overseeing a range of events, from intimate dinners to large-scale benefits and auctions, with a special focus on the School’s annual gala.
The director role requires a seasoned event fundraiser with expertise in producing various types of events and a demonstrated ability to engage diverse constituent audiences. The Director of Special Events will be a key player in stewarding relationships with the School’s families, trustees, alumni, faculty, parents, and staff. Additionally, the Director will actively participate in campus and community activities and maintain, cultivate, and solicit a personal portfolio of benefit leadership prospects and donors. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree, seven-plus years of experience in fundraising events management, and a proven ability to lead all phases of event planning and execution.
This role provides a platform for an individual to leverage their skills in event management, fundraising, and relationship-building to drive Viewpoint’s philanthropic goals forward.
The salary range for this position is $115,000–$120,000.