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Survey results are in! Is it time to let go of the five-day work week?

In a recently published Fast Company article, Professor Scott Dust makes a case for a seven-day workweek with reduced time committed each day. While some see it as controversial, we asked you if the time has come to let go of the five-day workweek and the results are very interesting.

Responses were almost evenly split between keeping the five-day workweek and spreading work out over seven days, with 43% of respondents saying “keep it” and 57% of respondents saying “change it.” Several people even suggested a 4-day work week with three full days of time off. Comments included:

“Going to a seven-day workweek means we are always thinking about work.”

“I would be in favor of a longer workday instead so that we can have a four-day workweek with a three-day weekend. Giving us more time with our personal lives would make us more productive and able to refresh each week.”

“I think the pandemic has changed the way we feel about commuting, working at home, and structuring our time.”

“7 days a week never gives the brain and body a full rest.”

Based on the feedback, the majority felt having a better balance between work and personal time is most important. Whether that balance for you is four long workdays or seven shorter workdays, seems to depend on the individual and their circumstances.

Thank you to everyone who responded to last month’s survey! Be sure to participate in this month’s survey about productivity and we will share the top tips in an upcoming newsletter!

Click here to take this month’s survey.

Click here to read the original article.

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