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Being Mindful at Work

Finding ways to be mindful in day-to-day life doesn’t just make one feel good, but it can actually improve the brain.

A study reported by Harvard Business Review demonstrated that an eight-week mindfulness course actually increased the density of the brain’s gray matter. Research from University of British Columbia and the Chemnitz University of Technology showed that meditation activities positively impact eight different regions of the brain.

What is mindfulness? In its most simple form, it means that the mind is fully in the current moment and on the current activity. It is a concerted effort to be aware of the feelings, emotions and sensations of the “now.”

How does mindfulness affect the workplace? Studies suggest that mindfulness increases resiliency and reduces stress, which leads to more contented employees. It expands emotional intelligence which can reduce conflict in the office. It encourages focus and sparks innovation as staff are more alert and engaged on the topic at hand.

What are some ways to encourage mindfulness in the workplace?

  • Encourage meditation. Just 10 minutes per day can have a positive impact.
  • Eliminate phones and laptops from meetings.
  • Encourage the sharing of alternate opinions.

To read more about mindfulness at work, read “Calm Under Pressure? Run Your Business the Mindful Way” in The Guardian.

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